
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Earthquake destroyed cinema - HOAX

ALLAHU AKBAR!!!! The cinema in America that was going to play the film of the Prophet (saw) on Tuesday this week at noon. An earthquake hit that area that caused the building to split into two pieces. The Americans are so shocked at the miracle, that they didn't allow full media coverage on the topic and that's why you didn't hear about it on the news today! Share this around and let people know t
hat ALLAH is protecting the Prophet!!! PASS THIS MESSAGE ON ! Please dont let this stop at your phone

This hocus pocus email and blackberry broadcast is doing its rounds. The information above is absolute hogwash. I tried doing some research on the net and got absolutely no information that acknowledges the above information as true.. Also sources from the USA have confirmed that no such thing has happened. Kindly refrain from spreading false rumours and disseminating incorrect information.
Please don't forget to share!!!