
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Deepak Wadhwa - A man on a mission

For those of you who do not know who Deepak Wadhwa is, well he is an Indian television actor and model. He has performed many roles in various Hindi television shows, like Dhoondh Legi Manzil Humein, Ishq Kills,Qubool Hai,Code Red. As of July 2015, he has done his most recent role in Aahat (season 6). Currently, he is playing a lead role in the Star Plus drama Meri Tamanna, a program that I am thoroughly enjoying. The sports based serial has been garnering positive responses from audiences throughout the world. He has featured as a cameo in Madhur Bahndarkar's "Calender Girls". In terms of his modelling career, he won the title of Mr. India International 2008. Apart from this, he has also featured in many commercials as well as advertisements for various international brands. It gives me an immense amount of pleasure to be able to interview the charming and dashing Mr. Deepak Wadhwa who is an extremely humble and down to earth human being. I had lots of fun conducting this interview via whatsapp audio.Read on to find our more in his own words.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Nationality: Indian
Favourite Indian cuisine: Home made food is the best. I do enjoy Chinese cuisine
Favourite cologne: Gucci Guilty

1. Firstly Deepak, thank you so much for taking time out to be interviewed by me on such short notice. Tell me a little more about your family background and life from childhood until present? Did you formally go to an acting school? Where did you study?

Well, its my pleasure Sumayya. In terms of my family background, I have a mom and two elder brothers. Both are married and both have kids and of course I am also married now. When I was a child I wanted to be a cricketer (laughing). I guess every child in India wants to be a cricketer at any one point in their lives. Anyway, when I got a little older, I realized that I would like to be famous, I mean really famous. Until now whenever I watch movies, I tell myself that this is where I want to be. I want to be on the silver screen. So what I am involved with right now in terms of my career is in actual fact a bridge that will allow me to see the end of the tunnel.. ultimately being on the silver screen.With regards to acting school, I did not attend any acting school as such. I have attended many theatre workshops for a couple of months and I performed in a number of plays before getting my first break in the serial " Dhoond legi Manzil Humein" 

2.Did you always wish to be a part of the acting industry? Has your family been supportive of your career choices?

After completing my 12th grade, I wanted to be a part of the modelling and acting industry but then at the same time I wanted to study. I still love studying and if time permits I would like to enhance myself further in terms of doing a few courses.. Any way I got into B tech and I told myself that I needed to complete my engineering degree first and thereafter I could do whatever I wanted to. After acquiring my degree I got my portfolio done. I then entered the Mr India 2008 competition. I got through, reached the finals and then got the title of Mr. India International 2008. I also made it in the top 5. My family honestly wish well for me. Like all other families, parents want their kids to have some kind of stability. The same applied to me. For the first 3 years during my modelling career, my dad wanted me to rather be a part of a stable work environment and encouraged me to rather take up a job instead of modelling. But at the same time he never prevented me from modelling. When I eventually got the lead role in the television series "Dhoond legi Manzil Humein" that's the time dad was very happy and content with regards to the career path I had chosen. I'll give you a fine example, whenever he use to meet people, he would say that my son is an engineer, please find him a good job. After I started shooting for the television series, he started telling people that my son is an actor (laughing). So that was quite a nice feeling.

After being in the modelling industry for quite a while in New Delhi, I decided that I required a shift in career.I needed to get into acting. That's when I met my Guru Dilip Shankarjee. Under his wings I got my theatre workshops done.He was there for me supporting me throughout. I did a few plays as well with him.Then of course whilst doing the plays I worked on enhancing myself in terms of being a better actor. One day I got a call from Mumbai to audition. I sent my audition from Delhi. I got finalized for my first television show  "Dhoond legi Manzil Humein". Before getting my first break I need to mention that I went to Mumbai 4 to 5 times to audition for the leading roles but I didn't get it. Eventually of course I managed to succeed by acquiring my first break on television.It was a lovely moment for me.

3. Tell me a little bit about your modelling career. 

On completing my engineering degree, Oracle offered me a job. I turned down the job and instead got a portfolio done. I then entered the Mr India 2008 competition. I got through, reached the finals and then got the title of Mr. India International. 

4. How do you balance your personal life and your career? I am sure that you have a huge female fan following. Has this ever had an impact on your marriage?

In terms of balancing my personal life and my career, I must say that I am really fortunate to have a wife who is extremely understanding. At the same time I have realized that whenever we have free time, we need to make the best of it. We should live every moment of life to the fullest. You never know when its your last honestly.  Whenever I am not working, even though I am tired or had a long day, I make sure I spend time with my wife. Take her out for coffee or to the movies. We usually travel a lot. We try taking short trips every 3 months. And every 6 months we either take a trip within India to a region we have not seen before or we travel abroad. The female fan following has to be there. But it has never ever been a problem. My wife is quite understanding and hence there has never ever been any negative impact on my marriage. 

5. I have heard through the grape vine that many actors and actresses are cast in movies or serials through couch casting. Do you think that this kind of practice is occurring within the industry? .

The casting couch does exist everywhere in all industries, be it the movie industry or the corporate world as such. People accept the casting couch practice in order to attain a promotion. Ultimately it depends on you as an individual. Do you want to attain success through couch casting or do you wish to attain success through hard work. There are situations though where individuals have tried extremely hard to achieve success with no avail and hence the only route that was left for them in order to pursue a dream was through couch casting. Personally I am not at all in favour of couch casting. I believe that a person needs to persevere and have patience in order to acquire success. 

6.What has been your most memorable experience in your life thus far?

Getting the title of Mr. India International 2008 was a very proud moment. My father was sitting right there in the audience, watching me jumping with joy and also I was among the top 5. There was definitely no looking back. I did ramp shows, print shoots, commercials. Whatever brands were there I covered it all in New Delhi where I was doing my modelling. 

7. If you could be granted one wish and have any skill or talent in the world, what would it be?

If I could be granted one wish, I would really like to be able to dance like Hrithik Roshan (laughing). He is such a brilliant dancer. He is absolutely amazing. If my wish is not granted in terms of dancing then I would love to have Ranveer Singh's energy. Oh my God what energy the man has. 

8. Who or what inspires you?

With regards to inspiration I would say that the moment you step out of your house, everyone around you is an inspiration, be it the person in the car, the person in an auto or the person at the bus stop. You will find inspiration to push yourself.Whenever I go to a park, I see elderly people in their 50's and 60's walking and jogging. A lot of the times they are more alive and energetic than individuals who are younger than them. Of course, whenever I watch any movie, I am inspired to work harder in order to have a meaningful place within the acting industry which is competitive. Movies inspire me to work harder in order for me to be on the silver screen in the near future. 

9. What are your favourite websites?

There are no particular websites that I follow.I do however keep a check on travel blogs or articles on unexplored places as my wife and I both enjoy travelling a lot. 

10. Do you follow a strict eating plan or are you a gym fanatic? Is it necessary to be physically fit if you are part of the movie industry?

I am quite regular at the gym.I am not a gym fanatic though. It depends entirely on the project. If I get a project that entails me having a certain body type, then I will definitely frequent the gym more often in order to obtain the physique required. I also think that everyone out there needs to be physically fit,not only the people in the movie industry. You either go to the gym or jog in a park but being physically fit is important for everyone' health and wealth being. 

11. Who is your favourite actor, actress and singer in Bollywood? What qualities do they have that make them special to you?

I cant really say one name. I'd say Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor. In terms of qualities I think Amitabhjee at his age still has the hunger to deliver award winning performances.Wow, that's definitely inspiring. Shahrukh Khan, he is 50 and I read somewhere whilst doing the promotional song for the movie "Fan" he attained a knee injury. But if you look at the song video and view his performance it is flawless as though no injury was sustained. wow, how can he dance so well despite an injury. Ranveer Singh leaves me speechless. His energy is enormous. Ranbir Kapoors performance in Rockstar made me a die hard fan and of course Barfi. mmm actresses I'd say Vidya Balan and Deepika Padukone. Deepika has grown so much since her debut movie " Om Shanti Om' and with every film she is getting better and better. Singers, since the age of 10 or 15, I've been listening to KK, Sonu Nigam, Shaan, Mohit Chauhan and recently Arijit Singh.They are all brilliant. Up until now I still listen to the private albums that Sonu Nigam sang in. KK's songs I could connect to as they were all the college type songs. so yes, he is my favourite and I have been to many of his concerts and I'd definitely like to do it again.

12. In your opinion, what qualities does a person require in order to be a part of the acting industry?

 Of course you need to be talented for a start. As an actor you don't really need to be a good looking guy or a girl. You can be a normal average looking person who can adopt a character in a script.I think everyone is welcome in the acting industry if you have the ability to act. So you need to be talented and of course you must be able to put in a lot of hard work and persevere. 

13. Define success. What does success mean to you?
I can not define success because success is a relative term for me in the sense that I cant say that at any point of my life I am successful because the day I say that I am successful will be the day I'll stop improving in life, or going up in life. I think for me growing is important, the journey is important rather than saying that today I am successful.Even if I am working 24/7 non stop at a stretch for long periods of time, or even if I am a part of the A league group of actors on the silver screen, I will not say that I am successful. I will simply say yes I have achieved a lot but still there is a long way to go. We need to better ourselves all the time in all spheres of life.

14. Give me your opinion about plastic surgery? Many models win beauty pageants and then head straight into Bollywood. Most of them undergo drastic plastic surgery as well as skin lightening treatments in order to conform to a certain look. What is your opinion about actors and actresses becoming successful after they have undergone cosmetic surgery? 

Plastic surgery is a very individual choice. I personally do not support it for myself but of course if somebody wants to go for it then its totally their choice. I feel that I have this face and this body that was given to me by God and I shouldn't really play around with it. My body is a God given gift.

15.  Where do you see yourself five years from now? What are your plans for the future?

I don't think that far ahead. I live for the moment. Working hard each day and simply taking each day as it comes. Where my hard work takes me I have no idea. Of course I would want to be known as the most successful actor in the industry at some point in my life. Right now I prefer focusing on the present rather than worrying about the future.

16. Fame can do strange things to people. How do you cope with fame and the fact that people easily recognize you wherever you go ?

Yes you right, fame can do a lot of strange things to people. People can become arrogant and rude. But its very important to remain grounded and stay connected to your roots because you should always remember where you started out in life before achieving name and fame.You should be polite to people. Of course there are times when fans are rude towards us as actors, they might pass insensitive remarks and hence sometimes we do react as we are human beings as well. My wife assists me in being grounded and I would like to thank her for this. 

17.  What advice do you have for young aspiring actors out there?

Well, if you want to be a part of the acting industry, first of all you need to come here prepared. By this I mean you need to have to work on your acting skills. You need to be a good actor and be patient. You need to wait for the best role to come your way. You shouldn't give up. Giving up is definitely not an option in this industry. There are days when you will sit idle with absolutely no work and there will be times when you will be extremely busy for long periods of time. Being a part of this industry requires a mixture of patience, hard work and perseverance. When you reach a level of success, do not forget about those people who stood by  you when you were nothing.

18. Are there any additional comments you’d like to add for the blog readers?

Desert Moon's Diary is certainly a blog that is filled with lots of useful information. I found the content of the blog to be very interesting and informative. I would definitely recommend this blog page to my fans. I am pleased to be interviewed on a platform that attracts a diverse audience. 

Once again,thank you Deepak for taking the time to answer these questions. Desert Moon wishes you all the best in your future endeavours!!!