
Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Strange Encounter

Ever heard the phrase, "No party is a party without the booze, women and music"...After thirty years of existence in this big wide world I still fail to see the logic behind this recipe of doom and disaster. So whilst taking a jog with a colleague of mine during the early parts of the morning around the compound, just before the morning prayers(Fajr salaah), we meet up with our friend from the security department who was having an altercation with three blonde American women(blond bimbos in my opinion). It was pretty obvious that they were stone drunk and hence they were making a complete fool of themselves. The guard offered to assist them back to their apartments.Whilst walking to the apartment the one woman decides to open up her a'baya and naturally there was absolutely no clothes underneath with the exception of unmentionables. The second woman(giggling away like a school girl) opened up her handbag and started waving a sex toy in a provocative manner to the security guard and the third woman blatantly asked the guard to engage in sexual intercourse with her.So once the guard drops them off at their respective rooms he runs back with three cups of coffee. He tells us how can these "loose" women be treating our patients. Do they not have a sense of shame and decency or self respect. How can the world respect women like these when they have no respect for themselves. Is n't it shocking for professional women to behave in this lewd, cheap manner?
I then started thinking about what he said. These are the same type of  women that the western world deems as liberated and free.Naturally a woman that is adorned in Hijaab (a scarf) or a veil is viewed by western standards as backward, stupid and uneducated.A woman in the west is judged based on outer adornment and so as proven by statistics the sluttier she dresses the more successful she will be within the corporate environment irrespective of how knowledgeable she really is.I thank God, that I am a Muslim woman. I will not trade my hijaab, my Islamic culture and lifestyle for anyone.I am proud to cover myself and give myself the respect a woman deserves.What is sad though is that this whole female revolution that rocked the west is trying to make its way here in the Middle East as well. With America being Saudi Arabia's closest ally, it doesn't surprise me that there is a strong push towards promoting a culture whereby Saudi women fit in with the western ideal of how a woman should be.What goes on within the compounds is shocking. Drug and alcohol fueled raucous parties are nothing new to compound life.Sexual promiscuity is rife and many a time women fall pregnant and then resort to backstreet abortions or simply leave the country.Yes folks, this is the reality of many expat women living here.Would I trade my lifestyle to fit in with the western concept of how a woman should be.. The answer is..HELL NO.. I rather be portrayed as backward and uneducated rather than making a complete ass of myself in public..So much for western ideals.