
Monday, July 2, 2012

Islam in South Africa is becoming a circus...

Over the past few weeks in South Africa I was quite perturbed after hearing some really distressing stories occurring within our Islamic Institutes. The small town of Azaadville in South Africa is jokingly referred to as the fourth holiest place after Makka, Medina and Al Aqsa simply because the town is made up of 95% Muslims that are fairly staunch about their religious beliefs. The town boasts numerous schools, Masjids as well as an International Islamic University. The town also played host to the world Islamic Ijtima3 gathering that seen the convergence of numerous scholars from all over the world. However recently the Islamic scholars of the town have caused division within the community on various issues. Throughout my life, I can recall that during Laylatul Mi'raj and the night of the 15th of Sha3baan there would be talks in the masjid regarding the history and the significance of these nights. This year the Darul Uloom Azaadville has called for a ban on having these talks in the masjid and have asked all the other masjids within the community to follow suit.They have deemed these talks in the masjid as a bid3a or an innovation. Absolute rubbish in my opinion.Whilst there is no reference in the Quraan and the hadith that specific prayers need to be performed on these two nights, I think that it is imperative that a talk be given in the masjid so that the youth of today will understand the history and the significance behind these two nights. Many scholars have written extensively about the significance of laylatul Miraaj and Shabe Baraat. Moulana Fazlur rahmaan of Azaadville has also written many books on this subject. It is quite sad and shocking that his own students to whom he has imparted knowledge to, has undermined his authority as a senior member of society and passed this ruling within the Masjids. It was also brought to my attention that Darul Uloom azaadville has thousands of rands of zakaat money that has not been distributed to the poor. This means that community members have given money to the institute thinking that their zakaat will be discharged and their religious obligation fulfilled but alas it has not been fulfilled because the institute is sitting with the money. Then we have the issue of the Khanqa brothers opposing the views of the Tabligh Jamaat and vice versa.What is this whole Khanqa....To me the Khanqa is a Bid3a and an innovation as it only started a few years ago. The Prophet (saw)'s hadith echoes in my ears as I write this article.. He mentioned that towards the end of times his people will be divided into 73 different sects and it will be the religious scholars who will be leading the people astray... This is exactly what is happening in South Africa at present. Members of the governing body at Darul Uloom Azaadville also refused to welcome the Imaam of the haram in Makkah at the institute on the basis that he is a Salafi. The irony here is that when these same governing body members go to Makkah, they are performing their salaah behind a "salafi" Imaam. Please excuse my language but I personally think that they are a bunch of idiots. The prophet (saw) welcomed even his enemy into his home. He wanted people to engage in dialogue and iron out differences not create division. During Sheikh Mahir bin 7aman Al Mu3aiqaly's trip to South Africa, a well known Moulana on Channel Islam made mention that the Imaam should only perform salaah in the Masjid but must not be given a chance to give a talk or a lecture. My question is why? Is this Moulanas knowledge more superior than that of the Imaam of the haram...The Imaam is a mathematician and teaches students at a university. He is a highly qualified individual who can impart his knowledge to others.. Must we prevent knowledge from being imparted just because someone elses version of Islam does not conform to our model of Islam.
I always believe in the motto practice what you preach. I can not tell you to wear a headscarf if I'm not wearing one. I can not tell you please do not listen to music and yet I am listening to music.During my last week in South Africa the Imaam at the masjid was talking about spending money unnecessarily on luxury lavish items such as luxury cars, homes, clothes etc. Yet he walks out of the masjid and steps into a brand new Lexus to the amusement of the congregation..Now who in the world is going to have respect for such a leader?

My late grand father Hafez Abdulla Mehtar (Allahu yar7amuhu) and the late Moulana Abdur razaaq of Ladysmith (Allahu yar7amuhu) were two individuals that I have tremendous respect for. They were men of vision and foresight. My late grandfather would perform his salaah in any masjid, whether it was built by the Sunni community or the Sufi community or any other community. He would always say that it is only a masjid, a building, a place of worship. What you have in your heart is between you and your creator.Performing salaah in a masjid built by a differing sect only encourages dialogue and creates respect between people. The minute you start saying you can not perform salaah in that masjid because it is built by those people, that's when division is created within communities.

For years the west have utilized the television as a tool of mass destruction poisoning the minds of the masses against Islam and inculcating an attitude and a belief system that is more in line with their outcomes and eventual goals. Late Moulana Abdur Razaaq always believed in utilizing the radio and the television as a means of propagating and spreading Islam to the masses. This is my viewpoint, we should not say that television or radio is bad. They are merely objects. The information that you receive through the media can be good or bad and this is what we need to be selective about. Recently many religious scholars have given talks on various subjects on television. Some institutes and masjids have passed rulings against these scholars preventing them from leading a congregation in prayer simply because they are spreading Islam through mainstream media.

Other shocking stories that came to my attention was an Imaam that was arrested for dealing in illegal cigarettes to the tune of three million rand. And lets not forget our so called Non profit organisation KHIDMATUL AWAAM....How can a non profit organisation be sitting with an excess of R6 million in their banking account. Where in the world is the money going to?...
The whole ORION mess seems to be swept under the carpets. Why wasn't stronger action taken?Bottom line is this..The love for money is the root of all evil and Islam in South Africa is becoming one big circus. A circus that I certainly do not wish to be a part of!!!!