
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Negative Winds of Change

Whilst viewing my brothers facebook page in the early hours of the morning, I suddenly stumbled across the Ask Chaachi Ma Fans facebook page and whilst quickly scanning through the page I happened to come across a post that was obviously by an anonymous woman who has issues with her mother in law. Her mother in law had asked her on a few occasions to teach her kids man
ners and etiquette as they were apparently rude and out of hand. So on one such occasion whilst reprimanding the daughter in law, the grandson shouted at his grandmother saying " Do not shout at my mummy, she has three kids to look after, me, my brother and daddy, your son." The daughter in law apparently found this hilarious and at the back of her mind was quite happy at the little boys attitude towards his grand mom. In my opinion, this woman is quite a fool.If this little boy was my son, I would make sure that he gets punished for his 'big mouth' and of course he would have to apologize to his grandmother. It is quite unfortunate that in today's day and age young mothers find it offensive when someone senior in the family is only trying to inculcate good values and etiquette into the child. In our house discipline and respect for our elders was of utmost importance to the point that there was a pin drop silence when my grandfather entered into the room. Dad's father was a strict disciplinarian as he was the principle of a well known institute that provided education to thousands of students across the country. Whenever we visited his home, we would make sure that we were dressed appropriately. There was always a strict code of conduct that we adhered to and whilst it seemed rigid and awkward at that time, I have no regrets being brought up with moral values and etiquette that have only assisted me throughout my career path as well as my personal life. However, there is a wind of change that is blowing that would ultimately lead to a brewing storm;a storm that will cause destruction and damage without any chance of repair. As more Western values and ideologies creep into our societies to overtake cultural, traditional and religious values, we will find our youth losing respect towards our elders. Most Western societies do not teach their youth respect for their elders. Kids call their parents by their first name.Elderly parents have to fend for themselves at the time of sickness or during their old age. Muslim youth of today try to emulate their favourite movie stars and display behavioural straits from what they view on television.Muslim women of today find it appropriate to be dressed in tight jeans, short tops and swimming costumes in front of their in laws. Where has that sense of respect gone to? My grandfather use to be an authority in the home. He was always consulted at the time of major family decisions. Today young couples choose to make their own decisions without taking advise from someone senior who has already gone through all the stages of life. If you browse through the Ask Chaachi Ma fans facebook page all you ever see is posts from daughter in laws complaining about their mother in laws. Have these woman not realized that their own mothers will one day become mother in laws or are mother in laws already and hence someone else out there might be complaining about their mothers. Have they not realized that one day they will be mother in laws too? With society already regressing into moral decay, it is quite frightening to envisage what the future will be like for the youth of today. My way of thinking may be deemed as old fashion, old school or backward but as the saying goes "A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his elders, will not have true respect for anyone."