
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Celebratory Gunfire

Around two years ago I attended a Saudi wedding. It was of course a very lavish and posh affair as both the bride and the groom hailed from very well to do, elite families. I was invited from the Groom's side of the family and I recall whilst visiting his family home sitting in the company of the female members of the house, I suddenly heard this loud thud sound.I thought they were having a fire works display outside and I was all excited. Naturally I wanted to have a peek through the window as well. However, I was quite shocked to discover that it was not a fire works display but rather a couple of men firing gun shots in the air out of sheer happiness.It was a very strange sight for me to see. I was quite pleased to read in the newspaper that the "Minister of the Interior, Prince Ahmed stated on Saturday, that all Saudi Governorates are required to uphold the laws and regulations on banning public celebratory usage of live firearms in weddings and festivals.The Minister’s statement comes amid public concern over the phenomenal increase in the use of live firearms in weddings, which sometimes end in fatal accidents.Security Agencies including the Saudi Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution are ordered to pursue anyone involved in exercising public celebratory shooting of firearms. Violators of the Kingdom’s regulation laws on arms and ammunition are subject to a prison sentencing."

A side thought:

 My colleagues informed me that in Jordan and Yemen, the men also fire gunshots in the air during wedding celebrations or if someone in the community graduates from university.It is apparently a sign of tremendous happiness and jubilation.