
Monday, January 28, 2013


A few weeks ago I was visiting the home of a member of the Royal family along with a close friend of mine. The middle aged lady was a patient at our hospital and over a period of time she had taken a liking to me. Despite hailing from an aristocratic family, she is a very simple, down to earth woman that displays exemplary character to all around her. Her son Abdul Aziz has adopted his mother's fine qualities and personality traits. To be honest, I have never encountered such down to earth people in my life despite their excessive wealth and status within society. I was quite taken aback to find Abdul Aziz having his dinner on the floor with his drivers and other helpers who reside on the huge property. After dinner, we all gathered at the back of the property on the outside porch overlooking the garden and swimming pool area. Whilst chatting about mundane, everyday topics about life, my friend' s mobile phone rang. She answered the call and suddenly her tone of voice changed. She seemed worried and shocked at the same time. When she eventually hung up the call, she related to us a story that sounded just like a movie. The story is about a family who now resides in Makkah. They are originally from Pakistan and hail from Karachi. The father was a successful businessman owning a huge textiles factory. Years ago, after getting all four daughters married into wealthy homes, he decided to retire and hand over his entire business empire to his only son. However, things went horribly wrong. His son was kidnapped by members of the underworld who demanded a huge ransom for his release. Part of the ransom included the factory. Months went by and there was no trace of his son despite seeking help from the police. During this period, his wife became ill due to stress and worry. When he finally lost hope that his son is perhaps dead, he received a note saying that his son is alive but he needs to hand over the factory. Not being able to bare the torment any further, he handed over the factory and other valuable items to the kidnappers. His son was eventually released and whilst everyone rejoiced and celebrated their financial situation was in turmoil. At this point in time none of the son in laws were interested in extending a helping hand. The father, his wife and son then decided to move to Saudi Arabia.He was hopeful and optimistic that his son would acquire an excellent job due to his education and will thus be able to support him and his aging wife. How wonderful it would be to simply retire and spend most of the day in the Haram gazing at the house of Allah. The father was confident that his well educated son will be able to get a good job and support his parents. He also felt that after being through a lot it would be a perfect time to simply relax and be in the city of Makkah engrossed in prayer. Once again, his life took a drastic turn. The son that he gave up everything for became a monster. He started abusing his parents with the support of his wife depriving them of their basic needs like proper clothing and food. There has been occasions where the daughter in law hits her mother in law with a stick if she asks for money to buy essential items like medication. As my friend continued to relate the story, I noticed Abdul Aziz's eyes filling up with tears. I was speechless. How could any individual be so cruel and heartless I thought to myself. My friend met the mother of the house a few years ago in the haram after discovering the woman crying inconsolably. She has been helping the lady ever since. Abdul Aziz instructed me to call the lady and find out what her needs are in terms of medications etc. The next day I called her and whilst weeping on the phone, she related her story to me. Thus far, we have sent her some money and medications but hopefully another close friend of mine who is a fellow blogger as well will find a permanent solution to her issues soon.

Just a while ago my dear friend Ayedh came by the pharmacy and he was relating to me a story about a woman who came to the emergency department some time back with cancer and required an emergency operation to remove a tumor from her brain. Neither her husband nor her kids accompanied her to the hospital. When the doctor called the husband asking him to come by to sign the consent forms, the husband simply replied that he was very busy and had no time to come by. Hence, the doctor and my friend Ayedh, took the responsibility for this woman's treatment. In another bizarre incident that occurred around twenty years ago, a Saudi man took his aged mother and left her in the desert as he felt that she was a burden to him and could not look after her any longer. He told her to wait in the desert whilst he goes to city to bring back some water for her but he never returned.
Hours went by and evening set in. A group of youth came to the desert to picnic and noticed the old lady sitting on the hot scorching desert sand. She told them that she was waiting for her son to come back from the city. The youth stayed with her for some time and eventually forced her into the car and drove her back to the city despite are insistence that she would wait for her son to return. They took her to the local masjid and only after some time did the realization finally set in that her son, her own flesh and blood wanted to get rid of her. The imam arranged a home for her and took care of the woman's needs until her death. How heartbroken she must have felt. In South Africa, I use to work with a lady years ago, whose son use to beat her up black and blue. There were many times that she would just have a nervous break down. I lost touch with her over time but I do hope that her situation has improved.

And whilst you do get kids from hell on the other hand you get individuals like my dear friend, in fact he is more like a brother to me, Ayedh. He turned down a scholarship to further his studies in the USA simply to look after his parents and be there for them in their old age. He is the eldest son in his family and feels that he needs to gain maximum reward by looking after his parents who require his help and support in their old age. I guess it is because of this that Ayedh has gained much success in his career and God Almighty has opened up for him numerous doorways leading him to success and prosperity. He always speaks words of wisdom and I guess I am really fortunate to be associated with such a kind soul. During our conversation I was quite astounded to hear that in Riyadh there is in fact one old age home. I always thought that old age homes did not exist in the Kingdom. Ayedh has promised to find out the exact location of this old age home and we have agreed to visit the elderly when I return from my five week vacation God willing. Ayedh suggested that we take some food and other goodies with us. It is always a delightful experience to put a smile on someone else's face and to make a person feel loved and wanted.

To the youth out there, instead of being engrossed in utter nonsense like computer games, video games, mobile phones, and television, isn't it more beneficial to be involved with social work and being a part of organizations that visit old age homes, orphanages, schools for the blind and disabled. It does not always have to be a monetary contribution. Simply being there for someone else and making a difference in someone else's life is a rewarding experience in itself.To everyone out there who has parents, value your parents, shower them with love and affection.It is only through their blessings that you acquire happiness and success in this world. As God Almighty says in the holy Quraan, 
"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as] 'uff' [i.e., an expression of irritation or disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: 'My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'" [Quran 17:23-24].