
Friday, August 22, 2014

No unity, No success

After hearing about the plight of employees working at many Muslim owned companies, I think we should be boycotting these companies first before we decide to tackle Israel..We such a bunch of hypocrites... Many Muslim owned companies function with interest. Whilst the owners of these companies are earning mega bucks the poor employees at ground level are earning meagre non market related salaries. Bribery and corruption is the order of the day in terms of acquiring deals and tenders. I sometimes sit back and sigh with a smile on my face.There are Muslims out there supporting the protests to boycott Israel and boycott Israeli products etc but these same culprits are exploiting their employees. Boycotting this and that makes no difference. The truth of the matter is that the Jews rule and run the global economy. We might as well stop putting our patients at Netcare hospitals as well. After all ain't the major share holders Jewish. The Muslims will always fail because we have no unity. We have thousands of educated graduates but we are too selfish to start up our own hospitals, clinics etc...We too selfish to start up more factories and businesses to create employment. Its all got to stay within the family. The Jews beat us. They have unity. They have organizations in place caring for the elderly, they make sure that every child gets a proper tertiary education. Their elderly is being cared for in specialized old age homes funded by the community...
Muslim communities have no unity. Its all about I want to be better than you. I want to be wealthier than you. I want to have a better car than you.......And then we ask ourselves why are the Muslims being punished all across the globe. We do wrong, we lead our lives contrary to the Quraan and the sunnah and yet we expect Allahs mercy and blessings to fall upon us. We still expect the Muslims to be victorious in the global onslaught we are currently faced with. It ain't happening. Muslims can never and will never attain victory until and unless our own internal affairs are in order. Treat your staff in the same manner as you would treat your family. Win people over into Islam by displaying the character of a Muslim. When you walking in a public space smile. Smiling is a form of sadaqa. Through smiling you can break down the image that the global zionist media has created of Muslims and Islam. I was never a fan of branded clothing especially after visiting the factories where these clothes are manufactured. Some of these factories located in India, Thailand and China utilize child labour. The employees are paid less than one dollar a day. When the clothes return to the USA or France etc a stamp or a logo is attached to the clothing and of course, we , the dumb consumer will pay an exorbitant amount for the garment. I know of Muslim women out there who attended the protest marches in support of Palestine and yet these same women are brand conscious.... We only wear guess, Chanel...etc etc etc. Almost all of the major global brands we have today are linked to Israel.. That is the reality. As Muslims we have failed in creating our own international brands and even when Muslim owned companies do emerge, Muslims will never support that company. We would rather choose to undermine the quality of the product and choose to still buy the same product manufactured by a non Muslim company. We have this warped idea that anything branded or manufactured by a western company is the best and of a far superior quality. That folks is the sad reality of our community....