
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"I AM AN ORPHAN." he said

 Orphans at the Al-Birr orphanage assist in a charity campaign
 in Jeddah

There is never a dull moment working within a hospital environment. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy my profession thoroughly. Helping someone else in need fills the heart with inner peace and satisfaction. Each day I get to meet people from different walks of life, each one of them having their own wishes, desires, problems, basically all going through the same journey called life. Very often I would meet people who truly become an inspiration to me.One such person is a 29 year old Saudi male nurse who works in the hospital and is a good friend of a colleague of mine. Mr. M is a bright and bubbly person. A happy go lucky young man I would say always greeting everyone cheerfully whilst walking down the corridors. I never really had a chance of knowing him on a personal level. He would always come by the pharmacy to collect medications for his patients and he always came across as having a warm pleasant demeanour and personality.

A few weeks ago he came by the pharmacy to collect his own medication and we started having a conversation.He enquired about my nationality, my qualifications and my family and naturally I then decided to enquire about him. My heart melted when he said " I am an orphan. I don't have any parents nor do I have any siblings.My parents passed away in a car accident. I was only three at the time."

He then told me that his mom's sister looked after him.However, as much as she loves him and cares for him her own children will always come first. As he related his story to me I started seeing a flicker of sadness in his eyes. He went on to say that he never really had much of a childhood. He grew up really fast and tried to become independent from a young age by working part time at his uncles company.By the time he started high school he had learnt how to cook basic meals and iron his own clothes. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone in the household despite the love and affection he received from his aunt and her family.

As Mr. M took his bag of pills and left the pharmacy tears rolled down my eyes. Here was a person who went out of his way for his patients and always appears to be happy and yet deep inside there is an inner sadness.When he left, I sat on the chair with my arms folded and a hundred and one thoughts came to my mind. Whilst many of us would have our parents present at important milestones within our lives such as our first day at school, graduation ceremony or wedding ceremony,an orphan child does not experience this. I then realized how grateful and thankful I should be for still having both my grandmothers and parents in my life.They have always been my backbone and support from the cradle up until now. They held my hand when I took my first steps in life.They were present at my first day at school. They made sure I had the perfect dress with matching accessories for my matric farewell party. They stood with joy and pride the day I graduated from university.If it wasn't for them I would have never been the person that I am today. In my family's eyes I have done them proud to have achieved a lot within my 30 years of existence but to me the biggest achiever is an orphan child like Mr. M, who has attained success without the support of his parents. He has gone through the many obstacles and hardships of life himself to achieve his success. That is the true meaning and the true essence of success.There are many of us who despite having parents fail to appreciate them and yet for many orphans like Mr. M, their only wish and desire is wanting to have their parents with them....... A wish and a dream that will never be fulfilled in this life time but certainly in the hereafter God willing. As Mr. M left the pharmacy I made a silent prayer in my heart for him. May the Almighty fulfill his every wish and desire and grant him success in this world as well as in the hereafter. May he one day have a family of his own to fill the void and emptiness of his own life. Ameen!!!!!!

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