
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Desert Moon's Diary Plagiarized

Whilst surfing the internet a few days ago, I was quite surprised to find some pictures and articles from my blog that have appeared on another blog. Whilst I honestly do not mind if anyone out there utilizes any of the information from my blog I wanted to warn the blogger about the fact that copyrights and infringement laws do exist on the internet as well. Next time, she may encounter the wrath of another blogger or an author who may disapprove of the fact that their intellectual property has been stolen.She could land up being in serious trouble with the law. We had quite a friendly chat on facebook . Excerpts below:

I would also like to send out a strong message to all my friends who simply copy and paste articles, pictures,poems and quotes randomly from the net on to their facebook pages. I use to be also equally guilty of doing this but not any more.Now that I have the proper information regarding copyright and infringement laws I am more aware about the concept of plagiarism and how to avoid it. Please friends let us all refrain from plagiarism. Always check the source of the article and acknowledge the person who has written the article. Remember that it is intellectual property and belongs to someone else who has probably spent long hours putting it all together.From an Islamic perspective as reported in an authentic hadith, the Prophet Muhammed (saw) mentioned the following: "He who credits himself with what was not given to him is like one who wears a double cloak of deception."(ibn abd al-barr Jami al Tahsil (1/98).
Ibn al-Manzûr commented on this hadîth saying:
The one who credits himself with what was not given to him is one who says he was given something which was never really his or who attributes to himself talents that he really does not possess, implying that Allah had bestowed him with these things or that people accredited him with what was never specifically his.
In this way, he has perpetrated a double lie: Firstly, he attributes to himself what does not truly apply to him or makes claims to possess what he really does not possess. Secondly, he lies regarding the giver – either Allah or other people. [Lisân al-`Arab(1/247)]
Hence from the above hadith or saying of the Prophet Muhammed (saw), plagiarism or copying other peoples work is considered to be a sin. Always ask the author if the article can be re - posted or utilized or use the article but make sure that you include the authors name as well as a link  that shows the original source of the article so that credit can be given where it is due. On that note, I encourage everyone out there to please visit the women24 facebook page as well as their website. I can assure you that you will come across some pretty interesting, thought provoking as well as entertaining reading material.

As a side note, I was quite surprised to find my pictures that were taken during our Malawi trip in the Laudium Sun newspaper. I personally have no issue with anyone utilizing my pictures if they are going to be used in a good way to promote a good cause. It would have been courteous though if they asked first.


  1. Hala wa Ghala Ya Soso

    I only met you one time in person, but I am proud of you.You have handled this situation in a very adult, matured mannerism. A person who is good inside can only do this. لا تخافين..ya3ny do not worry about what the people say or write about you.The pure heart always shines and shows on the face.This is the character of a Muslim. We Arabs do not bring down our brother or sister in front of many.We solve problems in privacy. الله معك..

  2. Howdy!I found this blog through your name. I read about you in another blog.In all honesty we are all guilty of plagiarism in one way or another.I use to have a blog some time back and I also loved doing the copy paste thing...getting pictures from here and there.I do feel sorry for you in a sense that the woman wrote such bad things about you. She could have just emailed you and asked you to remove the content.Bitchy is the word that I would use to describe her.Three cheers to you, for conducting yourself in an elegant manner towards Jeanita. You could have tainted her image but you didn't do that. Signs of good character I would say.Worthy to mention that I am an American woman now residing in the UAE and on the brink of reverting to Islam.

  3. Marietjie Van RensburgJuly 11, 2013 at 3:33 AM

    Jou blog is uitstekend. Pla nie oor ander rassistiese bloggers. Hul houding sê 'n baie oor die aard van die mense wat hulle werklik is van binne. Ek woon in Jeddah.
