
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


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So chatting with a member of the nursing staff last night, I was shocked to discover that a young married woman was admitted to the emergency department a few days ago as she overdosed on sleeping tablets. When she finally came around, it was discovered that she wanted to scare her husband as he did not allow her to go to her sister's wedding a whole week ahead. The reason for this is because he did not have the money to buy her a plane ticket and meet her demands of a few extravagant evening gowns with shoes and matching accessories. He promised to send her two days prior to the wedding as he would have received his salary by then. What a bizarre reason to try and commit suicide in my opinion. This incident proves yet again that a relationship that lacks tolerance,compromise and understanding will ultimately lead to dire consequences. I am pretty sure that this relationship is on the brink of a divorce.

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