
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Kitchro - A delicious Indian soup

Mom's Kitchro recipe has always been a huge hit especially during the winter months. Mom would cook a big pot of soup and distribute it within the community especially among the poor and elderly folk. I should have posted this recipe a long time ago but what can I do... time is a factor......

                                           1. In a big pot add 1 1/2 tablespoon chana dhaal

                                           2. Add 1 1/2 tablespoon oil dhaal

                                           3. Add 1/2 a cup rice
                                          4.Add 3/4 cup crushed wheat

                                          5. 1 1/2 tablespoon barley
                                               6. Rinse out all the ingredients in the pot as depicted above

                                          7. Add water and 1 teaspoon salt to the lentils and cook until soft

                                          8. In another pot chop up one onion. Add jeera ( cumin)

                                          9. Add 1 tablespoon ghee and a 1/4 cup oil to the onions

                                          10. Cook onions until brown in colour

                                          11. Wash and clean 1 kg of bony leg mutton. Add 2 tsp green chillies

                                          12. Add 2 teaspoon salt

                                          13.Add a few pieces of taj, lavang and elachi
                                          (cardamon, cinnamon sticks, clove and whole pepper)

                                         14. Add 2 teaspoons of aradh (turmeric)

                                          15. Add 2 teaspoons of ginger garlic masala. Marinate the
                                           meat in the above ingredients.

                                          16. Add the marinated meat to the onions.

                                          17. Add water and cook until soft

                                      18. Once the lentils are cooked soft remove from stove

                                          19. Now liquidize the water and lentil mixture
                                          20. Add the liquidized mixture to the cooked meat

                                         21. In a small frying pan. Chop up one onion. Add some jeera

                                          22. Add 2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter) and 1 whole
                                                green chilli (optional). Cook until light brown.
                                          23. Add the light browned onion and ghee mixture to the soup.

                                         24. Add 2 teaspoons of garam masala on top. Stir soup.
                                              Garnish with greens, fresh coriander and spring onions.
                                          You can also add a little bit of lemon juice. If the soup is too
                                          thick you can thin it down by adding some water. If it is not strong
                                         enough, you can add a little more green chillies to the soup and stir.

You can enjoy this soup with Rey's delicious home made naan


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  2. good day to all views,been poor is a disease which i have been living with my family, i am Neme Amber called by name,i am from new york city at USA ,i was once poor till i meet agent smith the superrior lord of illuminati,which help me belong to the fraternity cult that change my life to good,i taught joining will cast human been blood and alot from me,not knowing that it will not required human sacrifice,well to cut it short,i am a member living good life,even the law of USA cant control my lifestyle now
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