I just got off the telephone after having a brief conversation with a very close family friend of ours residing in Kashmir.I could feel the sadness in his voice and pain in his heart. " We never had a normal childhood growing up in Kashmir. All we seen was hardship and suffering. But we became strong and we survived. What we facing now is the worst persecution ever. Why, just because we Kashmiri. They telling the world we are now Indian so why then are they oppressing their own. It is becoming unbearable living here, increasingly difficult. They want to kill us like a slow genocide maybe through starvation. None of us have earned a salary in 4 months. Many Kashmiris are poor, so they live hand to mouth. Now that there is no income, the little savings we had is getting used up to buy food. Neighbours and families are supporting each other with food. Someone may have some rice. Someone may have dhaal or oil. We are eating one meal a day and i must make shukr for that one plate of food. In other countries there is no food at all. In some homes, the kids are going to bed hungry. We need help. But who help us except Allah. I want to move elsewhere to get a job but then who will look after my elderly parents? Every democratic institute in Kashmir is closing in on us by the Modi government.They are ruling us like we are their colony. Make lots of dua for us that Allah's help comes to us soon because the world will not help us." I put the phone down crying inconsolably. How can any good hearted person oppress people to the point where kids are going to bed hungry. To those Indians who are laughing at the plight of the Kashmiris, i hope and pray that one day you too will endure the exact same fate. Mr Modi and his cronies love talking about surgical strikes, however when Gods surgical strike befalls them, they too will face the music one day. What really baffles me is this, how can you call yourself a devout Hindu when you are oppressing 8 million people, going against the very principles of Hinduism. Please say a little prayer for the people of Kashmir.