Saturday, November 12, 2016


2nd October 2016

Image result for bullying

Last week my niece came home from school quite upset and almost in tears. Upon further investigation,
it was discovered that a child in her school has a bullying attitude towards other kids simply because
her mom is a teacher in the same school. She addresses the other kids in her class as baboons. She
also threatens other kids by saying that her mom is a teacher and she will make sure that they do not
do well when they reach her moms class next year. My niece is a very soft child. She is very sensitive at 
heart. She is brought up in a way where she is taught to do her best without worrying about other kids or
without being competitive. She is taught to share ideas and learn from others. I am disgusted that kids
as young as 7 and 8 can grow up to be so catty. Is this kind of behaviour inculcated in their homes? When
the teacher of the Islamic institute was contacted, we were told that this is supposedly normal behavior
and that the child will outgrow it. NO! This is not normal behaviour. The child needs to be reprimanded so
that in the future the child is aware that bullying is not acceptable at school especially in the light of the
suicide cases that have recently emerged due to bullying. Another big issue I have been witness to in my
own life is favouritism by teachers within our schools. I was a victim of this during my own schooling career
whereby my marks were swopped and given to another child who supposedly hailed from a well known
family. This was in primary school. In high school I was subjected to bullying as well whereby books and
assignments were stolen from my bag on due date. I knew who the culprit was and guess what, the same
idiot turned out to be a pathetic loser in life with absolutely no direction whatsoever. My upbringing
encompassed working extremely hard, being focused, reading a lot and of course achieving my goals
without minding the next persons business. So the bullying didn't bring me down. It actually motivated me
to do better. Some countries are looking into implementing a law whereby the parents of bullies get fined
a hefty amount amount money as compensation. I think this law needs to be implemented in this country
as well. A child is born innocent. Children adopt the behaviour of their superiors in most instances......