Monday, October 24, 2011

THE RED CROSS RACKET by Ken Adachi (editor and investigative journalist)

The American Red Cross or the International Red Cross, like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank, is an Illuminati-controlled front organization whose true purpose is completely opposite from their stated purpose. The IMF tells the world that they are there to "help" counties recover from economic difficulties (which the IMF and World Bank helped to create in the first place), but in reality, the IMF breaks counties and ruins their economies. The same could be said of the Red Cross.

The moment a 'natural' disaster like Hurricane Katrina roars through the southeast, radio and TV spots flood the airwaves seeking monetary donations to be sent to the Red Cross. With heart string music playing in the background, the radio announcer tells us that the Red Cross is "always  there in time of need" and now that the "poor victims of Hurricane Katrina are suffering" with this terrible tragedy, "won't you open your heart" and make a" generous" donation?

Oh Brother, these guys have the science of bilking people down to a fine art! I can't take the time to get into a long essay about the Dark  Side of the Red Cross, but just try to recall what happened after 9-11:

The dust from the World Trade Center collapses hadn't even settled before the call went out immediately from the Red Cross to give blood  and money to help the victims and the families of the 'terrorist' attack. Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions upon millions of dollars to the Red Cross. The first question that occurred to me when the Red Cross started asking for blood was: "Blood for whom?". Everyone was dead! We knew everyone was dead from the very beginning, so why is the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for about a week or more?

The answer is reflective of the true purpose of the the Red Cross: the Red Cross is a disaster racket which is in the business of making money from disasters-especially from engineered disasters. They sell the blood, of course, but they apparently also use the blood for other things which the public is generally not privy to.

And what do they do with the money? For the most part, they keep it for themselves! Recall how the families of the victims of 911 had to badger, harass, and threaten the Red Cross in an attempt to get some 11 million dollars that they would not release to the families-even a year later?  And that's what we were told in the media, but how much money did the Red Cross really rake in from 9-11?

The CEO of the Red Cross and other corporate celebrities receive obscene salaries and other big buck perks, while other charities operate on much leaner budgets for use by the charity itself. As I type this short article, I now check my e-mail and find 4 or 5 articles devoted to precisely the same topic written by other well known journalists from around the world. I guess I'm not the only one who smells a rat!!!! 


 So just how independent is Al Jazeera news when it comes to reporting the truth at ground level? I know many muslim viewers out there believe that everything spewed out by the news readers on Al Jazeera is the whole truth. So is it really the gospel truth or is Al Jazeera television simply another facade, another tool in the New World Order game. Recent news coming out of Qatar  suggests that the director of Al Jazeera Wadah Khanfar was pressurised many times by the USA as well as the Qatari government when it came to reporting issues regarding the USA. He was asked on one occasion to remove an inflammatory slide show on the Al Jazeera website that would portray the USA in a bad light. On one occasion he was asked to remove pictures on the website that portrayed kids that were in hospital covered in blood and receiving treatment after being bombed by the USA army.Many have suggested that Al Jazeera is simply a facade with the master minds behind the television station being none other than the ZIONIST JEWS....Makes you wonder that once upon a time the USA government hated the Al Jazeera televison station. Colin Powell, George Bush, Barack Obama and Hilary Clonton just a few years ago were up in arms about the television station calling it evil and biased against the American regime.Bush even jokingly suggested bombing the television station down. Now suddenly there is a change of heart and both Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama are encouraging the public to watch Al Jazeera TV. "The emir of Qatar came by the oval office today, and he owns Al Jazeera basically," Obama said in remarks recorded by CBS NEWS"S Mark Knoller. "Pretty influential guy. He is a big booster, big promoter of democracy all throughout the Middle East. Reform, Reform, Reform. You're seeing it on Al Jazeera.Today when he visits the White House, officials will tell him they watch Al Jazeera English to monitor the protests and at the State Department, when  you go down the hallway, you see it on virtually every TV and computer."
I guess the bottom line is, Nothing you see on television is the truth. The television itself is a weapon of mass destruction aimed at distorting the views and mindset of the masses. The people owning our global television stations are the very same people in power and hence they would naturally be showing the world images that would promote their cause and that would further strengthen their position of power. Nothing on television is the truth today. In fact many have suggested that more truth has actually come forth from ordinary people on the street taking video clips with their mobile phones. Many people prefer reading blogs rather than a mainstream newspaper as both television media as well as journalism through a newspaper has been dogged with false propagandist stories to promote a certain cause that is definitely not in the favour of the people or the masses but rather in the interest of a higher government authority.Come to think of it Steve Jobs didn't ban his kids from watching television for no reason. He was a wise man who simply didn't want his kids entrapped into the media lies that almost half the world has fallen victim to. Wake up people. The New world Order is here in front of our eyes and unless we start standing up to the atrocities that NATO and the super powers of the world continue to carry out against innocent civilians of poor and impoverished nations they will just continue in their quest for world domination. They have destroyed Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Bosnia and Afghanistan. Today Libya has crumbled. Tomorrow it could be your country too!!!!!

 Interesting links: