(http://saudichildrenleftbehind.com/ - picture)
Medical professionals like myself are always encouraging our patients to eat healthy, exercise regularly and stay away from bad habits like smoking and drinking.Of course, its always best if the medical personnel lead by example first. Last night whilst walking down the main hospital corridor I encountered two Saudi women with a cute five year old toddler looking for directions to get to the medical records department. As I was making my way in the same direction, I simply asked them to follow me. Whilst in the lift, I opened my handbag and handed over a chocolate bar to the little boy. With a big smile on his face he took the chocolate bar and then told his mom," Ya mama, the doctor is having bebsi, so why can't I have bebsi too. You said to me no soda it will make my tummy sore." I was so embarrassed by this little boy's comment. So I knelt down to be at his level, pinched his cheeks and then told him,"this doctor is naughty...your mama is right....no soda ok...." The elevator doors opened and I bid them farewell. I guess next time I will be more careful and think twice before advertising for Pepsi or any other soft drink company whilst frequenting the hospital environment. The little boy made me realize that people in general perceive others by the example that they set. The manner in which you portray yourself in public is certainly how people will remember you by.