Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wait, What???Are you serious???Fake Virginity Kits

"It sounds like science fiction meets Sex and the City: A fake blood-squirting hymen. Why on earth would a woman rush to purchase this bizarre product? Because if you’re a woman in the Middle East, it might save your life. In conservative countries like Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, women are expected to save their virginity for marriage. If a groom does not find bloodstains on the bed sheets after their first physical union, it can be fatal for the bride. Punishment for a woman that fails to bleed on her wedding night could include death by stoning or slayings at the hands of the woman’s husband or relatives (sometimes called honor killings)."The groom may have had a hundred and one sexual relationships prior to marriage but of course that would not be questioned by society. After all he is a man right....WRONG!!!
Take note that the whole concept of virginity testing and bleeding on the wedding night is not a part of the Islamic faith but rather stems from a cultural and traditional perspective within Middle Eastern societies.
But just because a woman is a virgin doesn’t mean that she’ll bleed during her first intercourse experience. According to a leading gynaecologist  almost 30 % of women are born without hymens, while other women rupture their hymens long before sex by doing normal physical activities, participating in sports like swimming or horse riding or simply exploring their own bodies.Frequent tampon use also causes the hymen to stretch.
The $30 hymen kit contains a small plastic insert that sticks to the sides of a woman’s cervix. During intercourse, the pouch is punctured, releasing a red liquid designed to mimic blood. After sex the manufacturer claims that the fake hymen simply “melts inside the vagina.” 
Conservative Egyptian lawmakers have pushed for a ban on imports of the Chinese-made fake hymen kit, and one scholar has even called for the "exile" of anyone who purchases or uses it. "This product encourages illicit sexual relations. Islamic culture forbids these relations except within the confines of marriage," said prominent Egyptian scholar Abdel Moati Bayoumi. "I think this should absolutely not be allowed to be exported because it brings more harm than benefits. Whoever does it should be punished."
In the age of the artificial hymen, you can still preach and practice fidelity in my opinion. Just don't ask God Almighty to protect your sick craving for wedding-night blood. She can't and won't.Virginity fetishism is doomed boys. Give it up!!!