In today's post I want to pay tribute to my sister, Lakshmi Mohan for the good work that she is doing in New Delhi, India. It has always been her dream to educate the poor and the needy and she has been doing it for a few years now within her own home and neighbourhood. News about her good work has spread and hence this matter was taken up to a government level. So now the Delhi government with the help of the police force came up with an education program and approached her to conduct classes based on a set syllabus. She started teaching a few days ago. This is a fine example of how ordinary citizens can bring about change within their own communities and eventually within the country as a whole.I am really proud of her and I salute her for her good work. If you know of people like this in your community then please go ahead and tell us about the kind of work that they are doing. Let us pay tribute to these individuals who give themselves to their communities unselfishly. Their only goal and pleasure in life is to uplift and empower those who are less fortunate than themselves...