Monday, September 24, 2012


Dear  friends,

I wish to compile an anthology titled " ISLAM- A universal religion, A mercy upon mankind"
I require stories of people from across the globe who have converted into the fold of Islam. I would like to know your trials and tribulations as you embarked on a journey that finally led to you accepting and embracing the Islamic faith.
Why did you become a Muslim? How did your family react when you made that decision? What does Islam mean to you?
The anthology can also incorporate stories of Muslim women who have now decided to wear the headscarf (hijaab) or be fully veiled (niqaab). What does the hijaab mean to you?Why have you decided to wear the headscarf? Have you been ostracized or victimized for adorning the headscarf?

I hope to compile at least 30-40 stories. I want a minimum of 1500 words to a maximum of 5000 words story to be written and sent to by the end of March 2013. All submissions will be handled confidentially. If the story is chosen to be included into the collection, the author could choose to be profiled in the book or remain anonymous. All proceeds from the book will be given away to charity. This is your chance to make a contribution to those people out there who are less fortunate than all of us. Looking forward to reading the stories. I am sure that each story will convey a special message and be an inspiration to many people out there.